
The Beach Route


From north to south, the extensive beaches of the Pacific make up an ideal tourist circuit for practicing sports such as surfing, in addition, they are ideal for contemplating romantic sunsets and enjoying the living nature of each place, with the warmth of the people and flavors authentic with products from the ocean. The right route to renew energy.

Take a tour of the entire Pacific coast of Nicaragua, from the shores of the Gulf of Fonseca in the department of Chinandega, to El Naranjo, in the department of Rivas, with a length of 350 kilometers.

The departments that make up this route are Chinandega, León, Managua, Carazo and Rivas.

It is mainly based on sun and beach tourism, adventure and specialized tourism, such as surfing, sport fishing, sailing, diving, whale watching, among others.

beach route 1
beach route map