Where to see turtles in Nicaragua

Where to see turtles in Nicaragua?

Nicaragua is one of seven places in the world where turtles arrive massively from the Pacific Ocean to nest.

Locals, the Navy and environmental authorities safeguard these creatures, such as paslama, tora and torita, from hunters and predators, when they arrive to the coast, ensuring that they complete their reproduction cycle and return safely to the ocean.

It is possible to see sea turtles up close in Nicaragua. Here are two places you can visit and some recommendations.

Where to see turtles in Nicaragua 2

Rio Escalante Chacocente Wildlife Refuge

With an area of 29,604 hectares, this refuge is located between the departments of Carazo and Rivas, receiving annually, in the second half of the year, thousands of turtles looking for the shores to nest. Here you can go camping, hiking and turtle watching.

La Flor Beach Wildlife Refuge

It is located 25 kilometers from the city of San Juan del Sur, in Rivas, where thousands of turtles come to nest between July and January. 50 days after the eggs are laid, the baby turtles hatch and then head out to sea. In this refuge you can practice activities such as hiking, camping and turtle watching.

Where to see turtles in Nicaragua 1

More than 3,000 turtles can arrive in one night, a worthwhile spectacle that takes place during the lunar phases of the waning and waxing quarters.

If you are planning to visit, you should note that nationals have to pay C$ 100.00 and foreigners C$ 200.00 to access these refuges. To get there, it is necessary to travel with your own vehicle.

When you visit, it is important to remember not to approach the turtles, especially if they are nesting, not to touch their eggs and not to leave garbage on the beach, especially plastic waste.