
Caribbean Cues in Nicaragua

Nicaragua has a major Caribbean influence on its Atlantic Coast, with a vibrant mix of indigenous, African and European cultures. Visitors to Nicaragua’s Caribbean side will come across English-speaking Creole towns and indigenous Miskitu, Mayagna, Ramas and Garifuna communities throughout the region. While many travelers might be familiar with the picturesque Corn Islands of Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast, there are many other Caribbean communities on Nicaragua’s east coast to explore. For travelers heading to Caribbean destinations in Nicaragua, La Costeña provides daily air transportation from Managua to 10 destinations throughout Nicaragua, including Bluefields, Corn Islands, Ometepe, and Puerto Cabezas, among others.

  • Bluefields – Bluefields is Nicaragua’s chief Caribbean port, and the main hub from which hardwood, seafood, shrimp and lobster are exported. Its inhabitants are mostly Mestizo and Creole, along with smaller indigenous communities of Garifuna, Miskitu, Ulwas, and Ramas. The colorful wooden Victorian houses and vintage buildings, and the reggae music often find wafting through the city give a Caribbean feel. Through Bluefields, visitors can access other local sites including Monkey Point, Rama Cay, Corn Islands, Pearl Lagoon and The Bluff.
  • Puerto Cabezas – Located on the North Caribbean Coast, the municipality of Puerto Cabezas and the entire region is indigenous lands which include 51 Miskitu communities. The languages spoken are Spanish, Miskitu, Mayagna and Creole. Travelers to the region can enjoy coastal cuisine largely comprised of coconut and rice, fish and coconut bread at the many restaurants dotting the port.
  • Greytown – The colonial city of Greytown is located on the southern Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua and was once a British tradingpost in the 18th and 19th centuries. Of interest in the area are the centuries-old cemeteries that can be easily visited from San Juan del Norte. It’s a 10-minute boat ride from the town and such a trip can be perfectly combined with a visit to some of the other attractions in the region including the San Juan River and the Blue Lagoon.